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Vaginal Rejuvenation Cypress, TX


We treat multiple symptoms without downtime or surgery, making it perfect for women who have vaginal discomfort due to childbirth or menopause.

If you’re a woman suffering from vaginal laxity, dryness, and genital irritation, you’re not alone. Many women have these problems following childbirth or as they progress through perimenopause and menopause. At Balle Bliss Luxury Medical Spa in Cypress, Texas, Guljeet Sohal, MD, and her team can help with ThermiVa® vaginal revitalization treatments. To learn how the simple procedure can help resolve these conditions that can range from slightly annoying to a major barrier towards a satisfying quality of life, call the office or schedule an appointment using the online tool.

Vaginal Rejuvenation - FAQ

ThermiVa uses radiofrequency energy to improve the appearance and function of vaginal tissue. ThermiVa’s revolutionary treatment:

  • Shrinks and tightens inner vaginal lips and labia majora tissue
  • Generates collagen
  • Reduces vaginal dryness
  • Improves orgasmic function
  • Tightens the vaginal canal
  • Reduces urinary incontinence

The device treats multiple symptoms without downtime or surgery, making it perfect for women who have vaginal discomfort due to childbirth or menopause.

During ThermiVa treatment, Dr. Sohal uses a small, handheld device to deliver controlled radiofrequency heat to the internal and external vaginal tissue and the skin surrounding it. The technology is designed specially for use in the tissue in this delicate region to maximize results and comfort.

The radiofrequency energy stimulates collagen development. Encouraging your body to make more of this protein increases tissue firmness and strength, as loss of collagen associated with age can lead to thinning, lax skin.

Women from 30-60 years of age are all good candidates, particularly if they experience any of the following:

  • Stress incontinence or leakage of urine when you jump, sneeze, or laugh
  • Challenges achieving orgasm
  • Vaginal dryness that leads to pain during sex
  • Vaginal tissue that appears stretched and pulled in all directions
  • A camel-toe appearance when wearing tight leggings or pants

Women notice results from ThermiVa after just one treatment but achieve optimal results after three ThermiVa sessions. Each session lasts about 15-30 minutes and is spaced about a month apart. You can resume normal daily activities immediately after a ThermiVa session, and you may engage in sexual activity the same day.

ThermiVa technology is noninvasive and effective. Other benefits include:

  • Used in the office Nonsurgical, with no cutting, burning, or sutures
  • Noninvasive, with no downtime and no anesthesia
  • Delivered at your own comfort level so you don’t experience pain

The handheld device used during ThermiVa procedures is sterile and disposed of after each use, so there’s no risk of infection.

When you’re ready to find out if ThermiVa treatment is right for you, call Balle Bliss Luxury Medical Spa or book an appointment online.

What Our Clients Say

I loved the experience. All the staff are very friendly and kind. There is absolutely no pain and the atmosphere is relaxing and elegant. First class!
I am always treated so well there and I have told numerous friends about your services.
Dr. Sohal was very professional and thorough and allowed for any questions I might have. I would certainly recommend her.
Carolyn P.